Red Dirt Agronomy Podcast

Protecting Yields, Preserving Nature: Entomology's Balanced Approach - RDA 305

Episode Summary

Ashley Ferris is the new Oklahoma State University Extension Cropping Entomologist. She previously worked on the Sugarcane Aphid project at Texas A&M's Corpus Christi research station, focusing on natural enemies in the grain sorghum system. In our conversation, we explore the insect pressures impacting Oklahoma's cropping systems. Specifically: Her interest in monitoring stink bugs in soybeans and evaluating economic thresholds The importance of vigilance and communication with growers about emerging pest issues Leveraging natural enemies like parasitoids and predators for pest management Challenges with pests like chinch bugs, whose nymphs can cause damage unseen Improving scouting techniques and search image patterns for identifying insects Using predator presence as an indicator of pest presence in a crop

Episode Notes

(00:00) Introduction and background on Ashley Faris, Ph.D.

(03:49) Discussion on the success of managing the sugarcane aphid

(06:46) When raising money makes sense for pest management research

(09:58) The power of small teams in tackling pest issues

(13:55) Defining success and goals for pest management

(17:08) Playing "infinite games" in life and pest management

(20:11) Challenges of starting a business vs. staying in business with pest management

(22:13) Lessons from 25 years in business for pest management

(27:28) Venture scale vs. bootstrapping approaches in pest management

(30:30) Choosing the right path for your business in pest management

(33:19) The "Shape Up" framework for pest management

(37:59) The drawback of making promises in pest management

(39:56) Adopting a new way of working in pest management

(41:36) The two-week cooldown period in pest management

(43:53) Trusting intuition and gut in pest management decisions

(46:41) Creating a gut-driven culture in pest management

(49:44) What Ashley looks for in new hires for pest management

(56:19) Advice on making changes and adapting in pest management

(01:00:06) Why Dr. Faris’ changed her mind about in pest management

(01:02:33) Planning in 6-week stretches and figuring it out as you go in pest management

(01:06:43) Being proud of the work you do in pest management

(01:09:05) Dr. Faris’ thoughts on why work should not feel like war in pest management

(01:11:31) Advice for starting a bootstrapped business in pest management

(01:14:33) Being at peace with the worst that can happen in pest management

(01:15:42) The benefits of bootstrapping in pest management

(01:19:11) The value of constraints in business for pest management

(01:22:00) Dr. Faris’ philosophy: "Just keep making great shit" in pest management

(01:23:19) Once, 37signals's new line of software products for pest management

(01:26:33) The philosophy behind Once for pest management

(01:35:47) Closing thoughts on pest management

(01:37:23) Lightning round on pest management