Red Dirt Agronomy Podcast

The Magic of Grain, Crops, & Grazing in NE Oklahoma - RDA 307

Episode Summary

We had the privilege of visiting the Rendell Farm in Ottawa County, Oklahoma, where we sat down with Brian Pugh, the OSU Northeast Area Agronomist. Brian's had a lot of great information about forage production and crops across the eastern side of Oklahoma. We also got an overall picture of the Oklahoma wheat crop from Dr. Amanda Silva who is the Extension Small Grains Specialist for Oklahoma State University.

Episode Notes

We had the privilege of visiting the Rendell Farm in Ottawa County, Oklahoma, where we sat down with Brian Pugh, the OSU Northeast Area Agronomist. Brian's insights into forage management and wheat production were truly enlightening

We speak with Dr. Amanda Silva, OSU Extension Small Grain Specialist, for a comprehensive wrap-up of the 2024 wheat season. Dr. Silva will share her insights from her extensive travels across the state, discussing the challenges and successes of this year's crop. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that shaped the wheat harvest and what lessons can be learned for future growing seasons.